Irwin Mitchell
We are delighted to be working in partnership with Irwin Mitchell, a full-service law firm with offices located around the UK. Through their years of supporting families, Irwin Mitchell understand the impact a cancer diagnosis can have on you and your loved ones, especially if you have concerns around delays or medical negligence. They are able to offer guidance and advice every step of the way, and help you access the best medical care and support.
A dedicated national phone number has been set up for you to connect with an Irwin Mitchell solicitor: call 0330 1233527 with the reference ‘Orchid’ (all calls will be charged at your local standard rate). They always offer a free initial consultation and will talk through your legal options allowing you to make an informed choice about how you wish to move forward. If you decide to go ahead with a claim, most cases are funded on a No Win No Fee basis and they always ensure that there is no financial risk to you.
Irwin Mitchell can also help with family law, employment, wills, property, future planning, and benefits advice. Alongside their legal experts, they also have a Support and Rehabilitation team of trained clinical specialists.