Sending Us Your Money
Once your event is finished, do send in the money as soon as possible. There are lots of ways to do it.
Once your event is finished, do send in the money as soon as possible. There are lots of ways to do it.
You can pay your fundraising total to us by clicking the button below:
You can pay us using your online banking. Contact us for our bank details.
You can send money to us in lots of ways – please do not send cash!
By Post: Cheques should be made payable to Orchid and sent with your completed Gift Aid form to: Orchid, 60 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8AQ.
Bank Payment: Donate in person at your bank.
Charities Aid Foundation: We can accept charity cheques such as CAF, KKL, Charities Trust and Charitable Giving.
US Taxpayers: We welcome gifts from US taxpayers. To gain US tax benefits, please donate through CAF America here.
Handling Sponsorship Money
If you are raising money through sponsorship, the easiest way is to set up a fundraising page on JustGiving. This sends your money to Orchid automatically.
If you have used our Orchid sponsorship form, please send us your sponsorship form with the money you have collected. Your sponsorship form must have full details of your supporter including name, address, postcode and whether your supporter has ticked the Gift Aid box.