Charity Car Wash at Asda Malton
A huge thank you to Malton Fire Station who are holding a charity car wash this Saturday,12th September from 11am – 3pm at ASDA Malton in aid of children’s charity The Candlelighter’s Trust, Tickled Pink and Orchid. Crews from Malton fire station are taking part in a car wash after reading about four-year-old Guy who lives in Malton, with his parents and was diagnosed with T-Cell leukaemia last year. Stuart Hopkin, blue watch manager at Malton fire station, said “When I read the article I was touched on a personal note and wanted to do something to help Candlelighters which has supported Guy and his family,” he said. “As we hold the event at Asda, who kindly let us use their car park, I also decided to support their charities, Tickled Pink for breast cancer and Orchid for male cancer, along with Candlelighters and the Firefighter’s charity.”